Duncannon Senior Citizens Center.
Duncannon Senior Center. We are a community and recreation center for senior citizens, in the Duncannon, and the surrounding areas of central Pennsylvania.
We hope that you will find the contents of our site interesting, and if you are not currently an active member of Duncannon Senior Center, we hope that after browsing through our WebPage, you will choose to join our organization. If you have untapped energy and are anxious to participate in the joys of building and shaping a fantastic organization that serves the older citizens of our community, you are welcome to join us. If you are at a point in your life where you do not have any additional time or energy to participate in anything new, you are also welcome to join us.
We offer lunch and many games and activities on a daily basis. We also offer educational programs of special interest to seniors of our area. We are eagerly looking forward to the coming year in terms of providing new programs to the senior citizens in the Duncannon area. We are actively developing a comprehensive range of meaningful services and activities, including Recreational, Educational, Nutritional, and Health programs for older persons in the Duncannon area of Perry County.